For fishes longer than or equal to 140mm the sequence was decapods, polychaets, fishes, copepods, amphipods, isopods, molluscs and plant material, in this order. For fishes smaller than 140mm the following sequence of items was obtained matching both methods by using the Preponderance Ãndices: decapods (subdivided in Brachyura, Caridea and Penaeidea, polychaets, isopods, fishes, unidentified material, copepods, amphipods, molluscs and plant material.
The individuais were divided in two groups, smaller and longer than 140mm, and a comparative study of digestive tract and branchial are was performed for these groups. The stomach contents of a hundred eighty-two fishes were analysed by the Occunence Frequency Method and Point Count for a Lot Method. Alimentação de Bairdiella ronchus ( Cuvier ( Perciformes, Sciaenidae na BaÃa de Guaratuba, Paraná, Brasil Feeding of Bairdiella ronchus ( Cuvier ( Perciformes, Sciaenidae at the Guaratuba Bay, Paraná, Brazilĭirectory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)įull Text Available Seasonal variation of food items of Bairdiella ronchus ( Cuvier, 1830 classified by size was analysed based on monthly samples between september/1993 and september/1996 at the Guaratuba Bay, Southern Brazil.